




🤺Kali Linux自带此工具




# wfuzz -e iterators

Available iterators:

  Name    | Summary                                                                       
  chain   | Returns an iterator returns elements from the first iterable until it is  
          | exhausted, then proceeds to the next iterable, until all of the iterables are 
          | exhausted.                                                                   
  product | Returns an iterator cartesian product of input iterables.                     
  zip     | Returns an iterator that aggregates elements from each of the iterables. 

iterators自带三个迭代器,-m xxx使用迭代器



# wfuzz -z range,0-10 -w Deutsch.txt -m chain

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 17

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                     

000000002:   404        828 L    1806 W   36851 Ch    "1"                                         
000000003:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "2"                                         
000000004:   404        828 L    1806 W   36849 Ch    "3"                                         
000000005:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "4"                                         
000000006:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "5"                                         
000000007:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "6"                                         
000000008:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "7"                                         
000000001:   200        213 L    495 W    7870 Ch     "0"                                         
000000009:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "8"                                         
000000010:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "9"                                         
000000013:   404        828 L    1806 W   36886 Ch    "Milch"                                     
000000014:   404        828 L    1806 W   36886 Ch    "Apfel"                                     
000000017:   404        828 L    1806 W   36895 Ch    "Schule"                                    
000000011:   404        828 L    1806 W   36859 Ch    "10"                                        
000000012:   404        828 L    1806 W   36877 Ch    "Heft"                                      
000000015:   404        828 L    1806 W   36976 Ch    "Schweinefleisch"                           
000000016:   404        828 L    1806 W   36895 Ch    "Kamera"                                    

Total time: 0.215062
Processed Requests: 17
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 79.04683



# wfuzz -z range,0-3 -w Deutsch.txt -m product

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 16

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                     

000000001:   404        828 L    1807 W   36895 Ch    "0 - Heft"                                  
000000002:   404        828 L    1807 W   36904 Ch    "0 - Milch"                                 
000000003:   404        828 L    1807 W   36902 Ch    "0 - Apfel"                                 
000000004:   404        828 L    1807 W   36993 Ch    "0 - Schweinefleisch"                       
000000005:   404        828 L    1807 W   36894 Ch    "1 - Heft"                                  
000000006:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "1 - Milch"                                 
000000007:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "1 - Apfel"                                 
000000008:   404        828 L    1807 W   36994 Ch    "1 - Schweinefleisch"                       
000000009:   404        828 L    1807 W   36894 Ch    "2 - Heft"                                  
000000010:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "2 - Milch"                                 
000000011:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "2 - Apfel"                                 
000000012:   404        828 L    1807 W   36993 Ch    "2 - Schweinefleisch"                       
000000013:   404        828 L    1807 W   36894 Ch    "3 - Heft"                                  
000000014:   404        828 L    1807 W   36904 Ch    "3 - Milch"                                 
000000015:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "3 - Apfel"                                 
000000016:   404        828 L    1807 W   36994 Ch    "3 - Schweinefleisch"                       

Total time: 0.207002
Processed Requests: 16
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 77.29370



# wfuzz -z range,0-10 -w Deutsch.txt -m zip

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 6

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                     

000000001:   404        828 L    1807 W   36895 Ch    "0 - Heft"                                  
000000003:   404        828 L    1807 W   36903 Ch    "2 - Apfel"                                 
000000002:   404        828 L    1807 W   36904 Ch    "1 - Milch"                                 
000000004:   404        828 L    1807 W   36993 Ch    "3 - Schweinefleisch"                       
000000005:   404        828 L    1807 W   36912 Ch    "4 - Kamera"                                
000000006:   404        828 L    1807 W   36911 Ch    "5 - Schule"                                

Total time: 0.238128
Processed Requests: 6
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 25.19648




# wfuzz -e scripts

Available scripts:

  Category                      | Name          | Summary                                              
  default, active, discovery    | cvs_extractor | Parses CVS/Entries file.                             
  default, passive              | errors        | Looks for error messages                             
  default, active, discovery    | wc_extractor  | Parses subversion's wc.db file.                      
  active, discovery             | links         | Parses HTML looking for new content.                 
  re-enqueue, active, discovery | backups       | Looks for known backup filenames.                    
  default, passive              | listing       | Looks for directory listing vulnerabilities          
  default, active, discovery    | svn_extractor | Parses .svn/entries file.                            
  verbose, passive              | headers       | Looks for server headers                             
  default, active, discovery    | sitemap       | Parses sitemap.xml file                              
  verbose, passive              | cookies       | Looks for new cookies                                
  verbose, passive              | title         | Parses HTML page title                               
  tools                         | grep          | HTTP response grep                                   
  default, active, discovery    | robots        | Parses robots.txt looking for new content.           
  tools, active                 | screenshot    | Performs a screen capture using linux cutycapt tool


参数 说明
passive 被动脚本分析现有请求和响应,而无需执行新请求
active 主动脚本对应用程序执行新请求以探测其漏洞
discovery 通过自动将发现的内容排入wfuzz请求的资源池,来帮助抓取网站



# wfuzz --script-help=backups

Name: backups 0.1
Categories: re-enqueue,active,discovery
Summary: Looks for known backup filenames.
Author: Xavi Mendez (@xmendez)
   Looks for known backup filenames.
   - ext (= .bak,.tgz,.zip,.tar.gz,~,.rar,.old,.-.swp): Extensions to look for.



# wfuzz --script=backups -w backups.txt

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 7

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                            

000000004:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "4"                                                
000000001:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "1"                                                
000000002:   404        828 L    1806 W   36850 Ch    "2"                                                
000000003:   404        828 L    1806 W   36849 Ch    "3"                                                
000000006:   404        828 L    1806 W   36868 Ch    "saf"                                              
000000005:   404        828 L    1806 W   36859 Ch    "ad"                                               
000000007:   404        828 L    1806 W   36868 Ch    "zxs"                                              

Total time: 1.044162
Processed Requests: 7
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 6.703940



# wfuzz -z range --zD 0-3 -z list --zD "'" -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=FUZZFUZ2Z -A

000000004:   0.195s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "3 - '"
|_  Error identified: Warning: mysql_fetch_array()
000000001:   0.198s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "0 - '"
000000002:   0.198s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "1 - '"
000000003:   0.198s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "2 - '"


# wfuzz -z range --zD 0-3 -z list --zD "'" -u http://testphp.vulnweb.com/artists.php?artist=FUZZFUZ2Z -A --no-cache

000000004:   1.170s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "3 - '"
|_  Error identified: Warning: mysql_fetch_array()
000000002:   1.173s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "1 - '"
|_  Error identified: Warning: mysql_fetch_array()
000000001:   1.174s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "0 - '"
|_  Error identified: Warning: mysql_fetch_array()
000000003:   1.173s       200        101 L    287 W    3986 Ch     nginx/1.4.1   "2 - '"
|_  Error identified: Warning: mysql_fetch_array()


如果要创建脚本,需要在“ .wfuzz”目录下创建一个名为“ scripts”的目录,将脚本放入目录下




# wfuzz -e encoders

Available encoders:

  Category      | Name              | Summary                                                                           
  hashes        | base64            | Encodes the given string using base64                                             
  url           | doble_nibble_hex  | Replaces ALL characters in string using the %%dd%dd escape                        
  url_safe, url | double urlencode  | Applies a double encode to special characters in string using the %25xx escape.   
                |                   | Letters, digits, and the characters '_.-' are never quoted.                       
  url           | first_nibble_hex  | Replaces ALL characters in string using the %%dd? escape                          
  default       | hexlify           | Every byte of data is converted into the corresponding 2-digit hex representatio  
                |                   | n.                                                                                
  html          | html_decimal      | Replaces ALL characters in string using the &#dd; escape                          
  html          | html_escape       | Convert the characters &<>" in string to HTML-safe sequences.                     
  html          | html_hexadecimal  | Replaces ALL characters in string using the &#xx; escape                          
  hashes        | md5               | Applies a md5 hash to the given string                                            
  db            | mssql_char        | Converts ALL characters to MsSQL's char(xx)                                       
  db            | mysql_char        | Converts ALL characters to MySQL's char(xx)                                       
  default       | none              | Returns string without changes                                                    
  db            | oracle_char       | Converts ALL characters to Oracle's chr(xx)                                       
  default       | random_upper      | Replaces random characters in string with its capitals letters                    
  url           | second_nibble_hex | Replaces ALL characters in string using the %?%dd escape                          
  hashes        | sha1              | Applies a sha1 hash to the given string                                           
  url           | uri_double_hex    | Encodes ALL charachers using the %25xx escape.                                    
  url           | uri_hex           | Encodes ALL charachers using the %xx escape.                                      
  url           | uri_triple_hex    | Encodes ALL charachers using the %25%xx%xx escape.                                
  url           | uri_unicode       | Replaces ALL characters in string using the %u00xx escape                         
  url_safe, url | urlencode         | Replace special characters in string using the %xx escape. Letters, digits, and   
                |                   | the characters '_.-' are never quoted.                                            
  url           | utf8              | Replaces ALL characters in string using the \u00xx escape                         
  url           | utf8_binary       | Replaces ALL characters in string using the \uxx escape




# wfuzz -w wordlist.txt,md5

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 7

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                            

000000001:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"                 
000000002:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c"                 
000000003:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3"                 
000000004:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c"                 
000000005:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "523af537946b79c4f8369ed39ba78605"                 
000000006:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "e8a88bb6f4d420a8517965d25cd54a14"                 
000000007:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "68f43f44054de89e6ee5ff03adb26542"                 

Total time: 0.239509
Processed Requests: 7
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 29.22638



wfuzz -w wordlist.txt,md5-base64

* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 14

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                            

000000001:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b"                 
000000002:   404        828 L    1807 W   36876 Ch    "MQ=="                                             
000000003:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "c81e728d9d4c2f636f067f89cc14862c"                 
000000004:   404        828 L    1807 W   36876 Ch    "Mg=="                                             
000000005:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3"                 
000000006:   404        828 L    1807 W   36876 Ch    "Mw=="                                             
000000007:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "a87ff679a2f3e71d9181a67b7542122c"                 
000000008:   404        828 L    1807 W   36876 Ch    "NA=="                                             
000000009:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "523af537946b79c4f8369ed39ba78605"                 
000000013:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "68f43f44054de89e6ee5ff03adb26542"                 
000000010:   404        828 L    1806 W   36876 Ch    "YWQ="                                             
000000011:   404        828 L    1810 W   37236 Ch    "e8a88bb6f4d420a8517965d25cd54a14"                 
000000012:   404        828 L    1806 W   36877 Ch    "c2Fm"                                             
000000014:   404        828 L    1806 W   36877 Ch    "enhz"                                             

Total time: 0.266457
Processed Requests: 14
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 52.54129



# wfuzz -w wordlist.txt,md5@base64

Warning: Pycurl is not compiled against Openssl. Wfuzz might not work correctly when fuzzing SSL sites. Check Wfuzz's documentation for more information.

libraries.FileLoader: CRITICAL __load_py_from_file. Filename: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wfuzz/plugins/payloads/shodanp.py Exception, msg=No module named 'shodan'
libraries.FileLoader: CRITICAL __load_py_from_file. Filename: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/wfuzz/plugins/payloads/bing.py Exception, msg=No module named 'shodan'
* Wfuzz 2.4 - The Web Fuzzer                           *

Total requests: 7

ID           Response   Lines    Word     Chars       Payload                                            

000000003:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "0b24df25fe628797b3a50ae0724d2730"                 
000000006:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "461194a350fdac0ef28e8b2073f34a6a"                 
000000001:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "cdd96d3cc73d1dbdaffa03cc6cd7339b"                 
000000002:   404        828 L    1810 W   37235 Ch    "0b7e7dee87b1c3b98e72131173dfbbbf"                 
000000004:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "f7947d50da7a043693a592b4db43b0a1"                 
000000005:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "5fae8a76529cf25432da8e49f1053e08"                 
000000007:   404        828 L    1810 W   37237 Ch    "4094c4aed3ced5fbd69159b16af12b7b"                 

Total time: 1.048273
Processed Requests: 7
Filtered Requests: 0
Requests/sec.: 6.677649